Barrel Cleaner

Barrel Cleaner
• Introduction
Whenever an artillery gun is fired, particles of carbon, copper, lead, steel, or plastic are deposited inside the bore and chamber of the gun. Hence, over a period, these said particles will build up inside the bore. This build-up, also
called fouling, causes reduced accuracy, and increases the chance of misfiring
Revolutionary Cleaning Method and Apparatus for Removing Oil, Grease, Carbon, Rust and Combustion Ammunition Residue from Barrels of Artillery Gun and Battle Tank with and without muzzle brakes, whereby cleaning fiuid, bore brush and a winch are used to remove carbon, grease, oil, rust, and combustion ammunition residue from the barrel.
• Key Words
Vappro ABC, Artillery Gun, Main Battle Tank, Muzzle Brakes, Ammunition Residue, Carbon Removal